A crash course in portrait & travel photography

In this course we've taken our years of photography experience and squeezed as much knowledge as possible into a beginner-friendly 7-day challenge.

We'll teach you actionable tips and tricks that you can try today, even in your own home with whatever camera you already have (including your phone!) Over 7 days we'll share video tutorials, real life examples and practical activities, as well as a private facebook community.

what you will learn:

In this 7-day challenge you'll learn:

  • How to import your photos into lightroom
  • How to organise your photos with flags & keywords
  • Cropping your images for social media
  • How to adjust the exposure & contrast
  • Creating a vintage feeling with grain
  • How to replace the sky with a stunning sunset
  • How to re-touch skin and remove objects

Join our free photography challenge

Get access to the 7-day challenge including daily lessons & practical activities starting 10th January


a sneak peak.

Here's a sneak peak of what you'l learn

finding the best lighting

Lighting is hands-down one of the most important factors in taking great photos - we'll teach you how to find the best lighting for portraits no matter where you are.

portrait tips

The art of the portrait, we'll teach you simple techniques to help people look and feel amazing on camera whether you're shooting your friends and family or a client!

posing ideas

How do you stand? What angle should you shoot from? And what do you do with your hands? We cover easy posing techniques and portrait ideas.

composition techniques

How you frame and compose a shot can make a huge impact on the overall results. From rule of thirds, to symmetry and leading lines we'll cover all the essential techniques.

behind-the-scenes on a portrait photoshoot

Let's take everything you're learnt so far and go behind the scenes on a life photoshoot sharing Emilio's thought process as he directs the model & composes the shots.

lightroom editing

Forget presets, we'll teach you how to edit your image from scratch with lightroom covering the basics of working with exposure, highlights and shadows and the color tones of the image.

re-touching & removing objects

Whether it's re-touching pimples, removing stains from your shirt, or just generally cleaning up a shot this can make a world of difference to the end result.

sky replacement

We'll teach you how to replace the sky in any image, including advanced tricks to make sure it looks so real that nobody will know you changed it.

Perfect for anyone who wants to
improve their photography skills

5+ video lessons

Easy to understand video tutorials that break down big concepts with simple language and practical step-by-step examples.

Practical activities

Every lesson comes with a simple activity to apply what you've learn, so you can grow your skills and capture some amazing shots.

Mentor feedback

Ask questions & share your photos for direct feedback and support from our experienced mentors.


Photography is more fun together, so we connect with other students from all over the world to learn together.

ready to join?

Get on-demand access to the challenge from the 8th - 12th January

We're the Institute of Code

When we first dreamed up Institute of Code we tried to forget everything we knew about what a school was and re-imagine what a school could be.

We prioritse the success of every single student, and use everything we know about educational psychology and human performance to build a program that doesn't just teach people skills but empowers them to launch new career.

We help people like you learn in demand digital skills and launch a new career in Photography, Marketing or Web Development where they can work from anywhere in the world.